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Сканы из журналов

blondy: Here we will post scans of: 1."Interviews" that were made out of the old ones 2.Different articles about Elena 3.And those articles just containing Elena's photographs Здесь мы размещаем сканы: 1."Интервью", которые были сделаны из прошлых статей; 2. Статьи о Елене; 3. А также материалы прессы, которые содержат только фотографии Елены.

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blondy: Here are some covers from magazinez....

Addie: I like the Atmosfera cover the best. Here's another cover I like very much. And this one, from the circus, is so funny(the number with the bear was spectacular)!

blondy: Yes on Atmosfera cover she looks like an angel ...and on that one too that you like I like this one very much...so misterious,selfconfident,sexy and glamorous.....

Addie: blondy пишет: so misterious,selfconfident,sexy and glamorous..... Absolutely! She looks as if she's defying someone.

Кука: Всегда приятно смотреть на фотографии Елены. Спасибо, девушки.

Мила: Мне тоже очень нравятся.

blondy: Here are some scans that you might not have seen...

Addie: I like the first one very much. There was another commercial with a similar background, for a face cream, I think, but I can't find it. This one was for Cosmopolitan, if I remember well. And this one I don't know from where it comes, but Lena looks very nice. It's different from her usual look, maybe more sophisticated because of the hair.

blondy: Addie пишет: I like the first one very much. There was another commercial with a similar background, for a face cream, I think, but I can't find it. Maybe this one.... This one is my favourite from PRELEST commercial.. Addie пишет: And this one I don't know from where it comes, but Lena looks very nice. It's different from her usual look, maybe more sophisticated because of the hair. Absolutely!I guess there's was a period when she had short hair(like on the second scan I've put and this yours)but I don't know from where they come either....or which year it was

Грин: blondy Addie вы такие молодцы, что дарите нам все новые и новые фотографии Лены. Мне очень нравится реклама "Прелесть-био". Это слово- прелесть- как нельзя лучше подходит Леночке. В ней главное даже не красота, а чистота и женская прелесть. Смотришь на такие снимки и радуешься, что живет где-то такая женщина! Спасибо!

blondy: Here's that scan I mentioned....from the November's issue of MAXIM where they announced top 100 sexy Maxim girls.... And Lena is 4th!

Addie: blondy пишет: Maybe this one.... Yes, that's the one. I don't know why I thought about face cream, maybe because of her hands. blondy пишет: This one is my favourite from PRELEST commercial.. Mine too.

blondy: Грин пишет: blondy Addie вы такие молодцы, что дарите нам все новые и новые фотографии Лены. It's always a pleasure to bring joy to others... Грин пишет: Мне очень нравится реклама "Прелесть-био". Это слово- прелесть- как нельзя лучше подходит Леночке. В ней главное даже не красота, а чистота и женская прелесть. Смотришь на такие снимки и радуешься, что живет где-то такая женщина!

Жека: blondy И откуда у тебя столько чудесных снимков? Некоторые в наших журналах не печатались! Спасибо!

blondy: Жека пишет: И откуда у тебя столько чудесных снимков? Некоторые в наших журналах не печатались! Спасибо! You are welcome! Well I guess I learned with time how to search the internet both for interviews and photos...You wouldn't believe but I have a HUGE number of her photos and I'm always glad to share them with other Lena's admireres...But what's the sad part of all is that you have the advantage of watching her movies,serials,theatre plays in full and I can just watch the videos on internet...

Мила: blondy Мы тоже ее видим совсем нечасто. В театре ее давно не было. 21 октября играл второй состав в "Сказках...". Фильмов с ней почти нет. После фотосессии затишье. Ее мало, очень мало.

blondy: Мила пишет: Мы тоже ее видим совсем нечасто. В театре ее давно не было. 21 октября играл второй состав в "Сказках...". Фильмов с ней почти нет. После фотосессии затишье. Ее мало, очень мало. Yes I know that at the moment there's nothing to watch with Lena but when there is you all can watch it and I can only wait for it to appear on internet....I completely went mad in January when they removed from the list of channels, that we had on Cable TV, your national channel(1.) just when they started to show Circus with stars and "Капитанские дети"

Мила: It's a pity! I wish we all had a lot of good films with Lena

Addie: Was this a real magazine cover or is it just a fake?

marygirl: Addie пишет: Was this a real magazine cover or is it just a fake? It was real

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